

雨宮 智宏東工大未来産業研Infrared optical cloaking using rolled metamaterial film
有川 敬京大院理Selective excitation of multipolar spoof plasmons using orbital angular momentum of light
有馬 卓司東京農工大工Effective Modeling Method of Meta-surfaces in FDTD method by utilizing Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions
岩長 祐伸物材機構機能性材料Metasurface Biosensors: Plasmonic vs Dielectric
三宮 工東工大物質理工学院Visualization of local field distribution by cathodoluminescence electron microscopy
高野 恵介信州大環境Terahertz pulse generation from metal nanostructures
中田 陽介 東大先端研Terahertz polarization control using dynamic Babinet inversion of metallic checkerboards
永山 務鹿児島大院理Transmission-Line Metamaterials Based on Transformation Electromagnetics
松下 祥子東工大物質理工学院Plasmonic structures fabricated via self-assembly


石井 智物材機構MANAGeneration of spin current using mid-IR metamaterial absorbers
岩見 健太郎東京農工大工学研究院Optical Retardation Modulation Based on Mechanically Reconfigurable Metamaterial
久世 竜司熊本大先端科学研究部Improvement of Channel Capacity in Short Range MIMO by using Meta-surface Reflector
久保 若菜東京農工大工Metamaterial perfect absorber solar cell
鈴木 健仁東京農工大工学府Terahertz Planar Antenna Inspired by Metamaterial with Extremely High Refractive Index and Low Reflection
坪内 雅明量研関西光科学研究所Contact grating with Fabry-Perot resonator for effective THz light generation
冨田 知志奈良先端大物質創成Metamaterials with magnetism and chirality
松井 龍之介三重大院工Active terahertz and microwave devices based on layered metamaterials
森竹 勇斗東工大理Optical applications using asymmetric-double-bar metamaterials
日本学術振興会 産学協力研究委員会 メタマテリアル第187委員会